Program Modifications

Program modifications fall into several categories and the requirements vary. We recommend that you contact us early for guidance on whether or not a modification will require a submission to the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPHEC).


Phase 1 Modification Endorsement

Phase 1 includes a consultation to determine the value and purpose of the modifications and what they are intended to do for students.

Program modifications should be discussed at the School or Department level. Modifications that require submission to the MPHEC should be endorsed by the Dean/Provost, and when applicable, the Associate Vice President of Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies.

Phase 2 Proposal Development

Units that may be impacted by the program modifications should be notified. These may include the following:

  • Financial Services and Student Accounts (budget/fees)
  • Technology Services
  • Admissions
  • Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies
  • Library
  • Co-operative Education
  • Learning Technologies and Instructional Design (LTID)
  • Registrar’s Office
  • Recruitment
  • Communications and Marketing

When the program modification and information requirements are ready to be documented for internal and external approval, the required forms should be completed. Please refer to Phase 3 for internal forms and Phase 4 for external forms.

Phase 3 Internal Approvals

IMPORTANT: Some program modifications require a submission to the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPHEC).  As a rule, modifications that have a significant impact on programs as they were originally designed and approved, or that affect approximately 25% or more of the program should be submitted to the MPHEC for approval.

A proposal to the MPHEC is required for modifications to the following:

  • program requirements (e.g., duration, admission requirements, practicum/work term requirements, residency requirements)
  • program structure (e.g., integrated, sequential, interdisciplinary, full-time only, part-time only)
  • program curriculum (e.g., breadth/depth of content areas, number of upper-level credits, thesis component)
  • program objectives/outcomes (e.g., preparation for graduate-level study, direct-entry to the labour market)
  • delivery mode (e.g., available via distance/online learning)
  • target clientele (e.g., mature students only; baccalaureate degree holders only)
  • program priority (e.g., continuation of a pilot/term program)
  • resources (e.g., full cost-recovery, government-funded)

Please consult with the Academic Program Development, Quality Assurance and Planning Coordinator if you are unsure.

Faculty Council

Program modifications must be presented at a meeting of Faculty Council prior to being presented to the Senate Curriculum Committee (Administrative).

Generally, the Senate Curriculum Committee Form 4: Proposed modification to a program (link below) is used for the presentation.

You should consult with your Dean's Office regarding Faculty Council meeting dates.

Senate Curriculum Committee (Administrative) and Senate

All proposed changes to curricula and new program proposals must be approved by the Acadia University Senate before they can be implemented.

Form 4: Proposed modification to a program

If the modification requires a submission to the MPHEC, please use the following form and tables:

Program Modification and Required Tables for Modified Programs

The deadline for undergraduate curriculum submissions is the last week of November. The Senate Curriculum Committee meets in December to review submissions and make recommendations, and reports to Senate in January or February. The Senate Curriculum Committee may meet at other times for time-sensitive items.

Submissions are reviewed on an as-need basis, but only after the Faculty Council meeting has taken place and the changes have been approved.

Senate Meeting Dates

The Acadia University Senate meets monthly from September to June.

Phase 4 External Approvals

As a rule, modifications that have a significant impact on programs as they were originally designed and approved, or that affect approximately 25% or more of the program should be submitted to the MPHEC for approval.

A proposal is required for modifications to the following:

  • program requirements (e.g., duration, admission requirements, practicum/work term requirements, residency requirements)
  • program structure (e.g., integrated, sequential, interdisciplinary, full-time only, part-time only)
  • program curriculum (e.g., breadth/depth of content areas, number of upper-level credits, thesis component)
  • program objectives/outcomes (e.g., preparation for graduate-level study, direct-entry to the labour market)
  • delivery mode (e.g., available via distance/online learning)
  • target clientele (e.g., mature students only; baccalaureate degree holders only)
  • program priority (e.g., continuation of a pilot/term program)
  • resources (e.g., full cost-recovery, government-funded)

MPHEC Forms and Tables
Undergraduate and Graduate – Program Modification and Required Tables for Modified Programs

Certificates and Diplomas – Modifications to Existing University Certificates and Diplomas

AACHHR Form* (*Health and health-related programs must first receive approval from the Atlantic Advisory Committee on Health Human Resources (AACHHR))
AACHHR Undergraduate and Graduate Health Program Modifications

Phase 5 Implementation

The final steps to implement the modifications include:

  • Addressing any conditions set by external approvers (if applicable)
  • Notifying the Admissions Office of any requirement changes (if applicable)
  • Updating your departmental website (if applicable)
  • Ensuring the The Registrar's Office has
    • updated the Academic Calendar
    • modified the degree audit in Colleague